Wednesday 5 May 2010

Aerial Zine (13-15)

Aerial Zine (10-12)

Aerial Zine (pages 5-9)

Aerial Zine (Pages 1-4)

First four pages...

Aerial Zine. (front and back)

For my final major project at College I focussed on re-using things, and ended up looking at different uses for TV Aerials. This is the front, back and intro page of my Aerial Zine.

Berlin Continued.


Photographs taken on a trip to Berlin with GiD. Awesome place but bloody freezing in winter.

Interview designs.

I had to create these designs using four symbols. It was for a uni interview. Needless to say I didn't get in...ha.

Its all gone a little pear shaped.

My attempt at being funny with playing cards.

Hopefully the images apeak for themselves...

Visual wordplay.

Visual wordplay- one day brief.

Letter to Form.

'Letter to Form' brief at College- 100 designs based on a section of a letter produced in two weeks.